Study Questions

R. B. Bernstein, Thomas Jefferson

What are the purposes of this book? What does the author hope to accomplish?

What were Jefferson's roots? What experiences shaped him as a child and young man? How challenges faced Jefferson and other members of Virginia's planter class in the years leading up to the Revolution?

What role did Jefferson play in events leading up to the Revolution? What was his Summary View and why did it make him well known? How did he come to write the Declaration of Independence? How was it edited, and what did he think about the changes?

In what ways did Jefferson see the Revolution as an opportunity to revise Virginia's legal system, especially inheritance, slavery, and church-state relations? Was Jefferson's term as governor a success or a failure? What personal tragedy struck? Describe Jefferson's legacy as member of the Confederation Congress.

Describe Jefferson's attempts to deal with America's diplomatic problems. What was the significance of Notes on the State of Virginia? What were his reactions to events at home: the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, Shays's Rebellion, and the Constitution? Explain his thoughts on the French Revolution. How did his travels in Europe shape his ideas about America?

What were Jefferson's feelings about joining Washington's cabinet? Describe his relationship with Alexander Hamilton. What were his feelings about Hamilton's programs and policies? How did two parties emerge, and how did the French Revolution play a role? What was George Washington's reaction? Why did Jefferson resign?

Describe Jefferson's life and concerns back in Monticello. How did he end up a candidate for President in 1796? Why did he find himself Vice President instead?

What were Jefferson's accomplishments and activities as Vice President? What was the Mazzei affair about? What were the main issues of the election of 1800? Explain the process by which Jefferson won the election. What was Hamilton's role in the election and its outcome?

Jefferson wrote one of the most memorable inaugural addresses. What points did he make? What were the guiding principles of his administration? What events and accomplishments made his first term a successful one? Describe Jefferson's attack on Federalists in the judiciary. How successful was he? What scandals threatened to besmirch his reputation and his honor?

What was the Burr conspiracy and how did Jefferson handle it? How did Jefferson respond to renewed European war, and how successful were his policies?

What was Jefferson's favorite activity in retirement? Describe his vision for the University of Virginia and his involvement in its creation. Explain his religious beliefs. How did his friendship with John Adams restart? Characterize their friendship. What concerns and anxieties plagued Jefferson in his last years? Describe the deaths of Jefferson and Adams.

Why has there been so much contention over Jefferson's legacy and significance? What is admirable about his life? What is less than admirable? How might it be said that Jefferson embodied both the promise and the problems of America?