The Industrial Revolution
U.S. History until 1877
Growth and optimism
1790: 4,000,000
1860: 31,000,000
Cities 1790, all under
Cities 1860: 8 over
The “Transportation
Erie Canal
Erie Canal
Steamboats: Robert Fulton,
Travel Time, 1800
Travel Time, 1830
Travel Time, 1857
A Rage for Business
National market
Samuel F. B. Morse invents telegraph, 1837
Regional specialization
Farmers: subsistence to market
Shift from local markets to distant urban markets
Competition with virgin land in the West
A decade of high yields with no fertilization
Dropping agricultural prices force Eastern farmers to move west or
to cities
Family farm more or less in crisis ever since
The Industrial Revolution
English origins
Water powered factories
The New England advantage
The South lags
The role of government
Active state involvement
Education & the tariff
Constitutional protection
No internal tariffs
Pro-business Supreme Court
Lowell panorama 1840
Industrialization in a
Social impact
Regional variation
Standard of living
Social stratification
Decline of the yeoman farmer
Industrial republicanism
Challenge to republican ideals
Competitive individualism & free labor
Problem of factories: the Lowell system
Paternalism & women laborers
Women at Lowell
Women at Lowell