on the Defensive
Earth, Wind, and Fire
1981: Ronald Reagan vs.
“environmental extremists”
End of bipartisan environmentalism
Philosophy: “government is the problem”
Business & right-wing think tanks in charge
OMB gets veto over new regulations
Citizen participation limited or avoided
Energy policy: cheap oil
Foreign nations take lead in alternative energy
Secretary of Interior James
G. Watt
Plans commercial development of Western public lands
Excludes environmental organizations, 1981
Halt to any further parks or wilderness
States, Congress block offshore oil development
Congress blocks oil leases in wildlife refuges
Court blocks strip mining & coal lease changes
Weakening the EPA
EPA administrator Anne Gorsuch Burford, 1982
Demands for cost-benefit analyses
Opposition to “burdensome” regulations
Proposed budget 1/4 of Carter’s
Dismantled enforcement division
Plans to weaken clean air standards
Weaker auto emission standards
Backlash and radicalization
1,000,000 sign Sierra Club petition against Watt
Watt & Burford resign amid scandals, 1983
Congress renews, expands regulations
Rise of the radicals
Greenpeace, 1971
Sea Shepherds, 1977
Earth First!, 1980
Dave Foreman: ecotage
Rainforest Action Network, 1985
New ideas of the 1980s and
James Lovelock’s “Gaia hypothesis,” 1979
Life, oceans, air, soil = system for optimum environment for life
Arne Naess, “Deep Ecology,” 1973 (in the US, 1985)
Anthropocentrism vs. biocentrism
E. O. Wilson, Biodiversity, 1986
The trouble with “islands”
UN Brundtland Report, 1987
“Sustainable development”
From 1967 “Lynn White thesis” to 1990s “ecotheology”
Pope Francis, Laudato Si’: On Care For Our Common Home, 2015
Environmental Justice
Warren County protests, 1984
Rev. Benjamin Chavis and the UCC Report, 1987
“Environmental racism”
Spreads across the country
“Chemical Corridor” or “Cancer Alley”?
Louisiana’s petrochemical industry
New issues
From family farm to agribusiness
Changing government policies: “Get big or get out”
Loss of farmland: urban sprawl
Compaction & erosion
Excess fertilizer and the Gulf’s “Dead Zone”
Bioengineering (GMO’s) & exotic aliens
International Victories for
the Air
Acid rain: an international problem
Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, 1979
Clean Air Act, 1990: Cap and trade
1974: CFCs and the stratospheric ozone layer
1985: discovery of Antarctic ozone hole
1987: Montreal Protocol
The fading of
Decline of outdoor recreation
Decline in hunting, fishing, visits to National Parks
“Nature deficit disorder”
Youth of the 1980s: first generation raised mainly indoors
Fearful parents keep kids from unstructured outdoor play
Lure of video and electronics
Corporate opposition gets
“Merchants of doubt”
A few scientists against all government regulation
Funded by corporations & libertarian groups
Heritage Foundation, Competitive Enterprise Institute, Marshall
Institute, Heartland Institute
Attack dangers of smoking, secondhand smoke, ozone, acid rain,
pesticides (Rachel Carson), global warming
Tactics: discredit the science (“junk science”), disseminate false
information, spread confusion, and promote doubt
Major funders: Koch brothers, Exxon
#ExxonKnew, 2016
Global Warming
1896: Svante Arrhenius: greenhouse theory
1950s-80s: Data accumulates
Roger Revelle’s Mauna Loa CO2 measurements
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1988
1992 Rio Earth Summit calls for voluntary action
1997 Kyoto Protocols: stronger reductions
Worse than expected: heat, extreme weather, sea rise, polar ice
cap, glaciers, ocean acidification, coral bleaching
2015 Paris Climate Change Conference
Real commitments for the first time: 2°C goal
The “Anthropocene”
Humans a factor on geologic time scale
Global warming faster than any time in earth history
The “Sixth Extinction”
Humans & Pleistocene extinctions
Post-Columbian extinctions
Contemporary crises
Amphibian disappearance
Mass bat deaths
Oceans in crisis: warming, overfishing, pollution
Pollinator decline
1990s: Marking time
George H.W. Bush, 1989–93, “environmental President”
1992 Rio Earth Summit: U.S. obstruction
Bill Clinton, 1993–2001
VP Al Gore’s campaign book, Earth in the Balance, 1992
Little leadership on environmental issues
1997 Kyoto Earth Summit: no leadership; Republican Congress
Another right turn
George W. Bush & Dick Cheney, 2001-2009
Former oil company executives
Secrecy and exclusion of environmental groups
Silencing of scientists, reluctance to regulate, leadership vacuum
Rejects Kyoto, 2001
Boycotts Johannesburg Earth Summit, 2002
“Clear Skies” and “Healthy Forests” initiatives
Focus on hydrogen exclusively
Energy Policy Act of 2005
Subsidizes nuclear & oil, exempts fracking from Clean Water
Progress on other fronts
Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, 2006
2 Academy Awards; 2007 Nobel Peace Prize (with IPCC)
Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
Fuel economy, hybrids, biofuels, lightbulbs (leaves oil subsidies)
Mainstreaming of organic food
Whole Foods and other organic grocery stores
Industrial organic: Cascadian Farms, Earthbound Farm
Spread of renewable energy (solar and wind power)
Development of batteries and electric cars (Tesla)