Urban Environmental Problems

Earth, Wind, and Fire

Urban environmental problems

•      19th-century health problems

•      Epidemics: Yellow fever; cholera; smallpox; typhoid fever; typhus

•      Endemic diseases: Scarlet fever; tuberculosis; diphtheria

•      “Miasmas” and disease

•      Filth, dirt, & poverty: sources of disease

•      Poor’s physical, moral, productive condition

Sanitation and Garbage

•      Dumping in lots, rivers, or the sea

Cleaning up water

•      Purification of drinking water

•      Sand or mechanical filtration

•      Acceptance of Pasteur’s theory by 1900

•      Chlorine (after 1908)

•      Issues

•      Water closets: need for water & sewers

•      Water use skyrockets

•      Creating water supplies
in other people’s back yards

Rise of urban pollution control

•      Sewer-building programs by 1880s

•      Sewers dump directly into streams

•      By 1890s: demand for change

•      Rise of citizen groups: middle-class women

•      New profession: sanitary engineering

•      Sewage treatment is expensive and lags

•      Industrial pollution ignored

•      Too expensive; economic power of industries

•      Fish kills not a political issue

Urban air pollution

•     Atmospheric inversion

•      Location of cities near water for power and transportation

Energy transition and the air

•      From renewable energy of muscle and wood

•      Cheap, polluting bituminous coal

•      Expensive, cleaner anthracite less used

•      Railroads

•      Factories

•      Blots out sun; covers everything in soot

•      Sickens people

•      Trees die

•      Foundations, viaducts, statues crumble





Fighting air pollution

•      Civic & women’s groups attack smoke nuisance

•      Smoke Abatement Leagues

•      Passage of local smoke legislation

•      Newspapers attack lenient judges

•      Uphill fight

•      Smoke = progress, prosperity