Indians: The First Environmentalists?

Nature and History in America

Pre-Columbian culture regions



Development of agriculture

      10,000 years ago: NW Mexico or SW U.S.

      Beans, gourds, squash

      5000 years ago

      Cotton, corn, pottery

Indian agriculture

Hunter-gatherers: Subarctic

Hunter-gatherers: Pacific Northwest

Hunter-gatherers: California

Plains Indians

      Agriculture and hunting

Plains Indians

Plains Indians

      Export economy

      Alibates Quarry

Cahokia, Illinois

      Peak 1100-1200

      Up to 20,000 inhabitants

Irrigation in Southwest: Hohokam

The Anasazi of the Southwest

      Peak 1100-1300

Hunter-gatherers & conservation

      Marginal and fragile ecologies

      Conservation methods

      Abundance and extinction

Indian ecological management

      Animals and the supernatural

      Getting animal spirits to agree to their slaughter

      Fire as ecological management tool

      Followed spread of maize, except on Plains

      Ecological effects