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Why was the death of the Indian a major theme of Jesuit writings from New France? And why was the death of the Jesuit missionary another? How did Iroquois deal with and mourn death? How did the French experience of death and mourning differ? What confirmed Catherine's holiness in the mind of Claude Chauchetière?
Why did Mohawks capture enemy people? What was their fate? How was Catherine affected by smallpox and what sort of person did she become? Describe the roles and responsibilities of Mohawk women. How did Catherine become Catholic and what was the experience like? Why did she move from Gandaouagué to Kahnawake?
Describe Chauchetière's background and upbringing in Poitiers. Describe the effects of the Counter-Reformation in the region. Characterize the origins, activities, and purposes of the Jesuit order. What sort of religious training and mystical experiences did Chauchetière have? Why did he decide to become a missionary, and why to Canada? Describe the sort of experience and career did he have after he arrived there.
What is a habitant? How did the Chrisitian-Indian communities of La Prairie/Kentake and Sault Saint Louis/Kahnawake come to be? What was religious life like in Kahnawake, and what were the roles of the priests? From an Iroquois point of view, what advantages might one gain by converting to Christianity? Why would one retain many non-Christian practices? Give examples of Indian religious practices that persevered after conversion.
What sort of "societies" did village women form, and what sort of "austerities" and "penances" did they undergo? How might they have understood them from an Iroquois perspective, in contrast with the Jesuit understanding of them? Out of what motives or meanings might one pursue self-mortification?
How did Catherine learn about Christianity at Kahnawake? Describe her religious behavior, interests, and activities. What was the significance of the hunting trip? How did Indian women probably learn about Christian ascetic-mystical practices for women, and how did Catherine learn about and apply them? What was she seeking and what did she achieve?
How did Catherine become venerated as a saint? What sort of miracles occurred in her name? What was Chauchetière's role in promoting them? Which people sought cures from Catherine, and which did not? Why was there this difference in attitude towards Catherine? Explain how Indian and European healing and medicine worked differently. How did her fame spread more widely? Why was she not officially made a saint at this time?
How did Pierre Cholenec's biography of Catherine differ from that by Chauchetière? Why did he emphasize her virginity so much? What was the possible significance of the extensive tangent about Tegaiaguenta's tragic hunting party? Why was Catherine's story reprinted in Spanish in Mexico?
Explain the timing and motivations of the movements for Catherine's sainthood in the late nineteenth century. How has her image and meaning changed as new groups (like the Walworths and Pueblo Indian women) have adopted her? How do children's books present her now? Why have some Indians refused to honor her?